Typically, Trade Studies are used to identify the most balanced technical solution for either one or, a set of proposed solutions contained within the Preliminary Design. These studies are risk mitigation processes for judging the solution/s by their suitability for a series of measures/ cost functions mapped against project requirements. They may be either conflicting or even mutually exclusive, quarantining technical portions of the project’s preliminary design for unique and independent investigation, mitigating associated risk prior to committing the preliminary design for final detailed design implementation. Quarantined components /process prototyping and test jig validation typically characterise the activities associated this project engineering activity. Typically, each study is concluded by a detailed report describing the specific findings.
Our Engineering Services have both the experience and skills to fill the technology gaps for companies or organisations that don’t either have the specific GNSS technical expertise “in house”, OR, for those projects where the client is simply under resourced for delivery within specific times frames.