Navigation Engineering & 3D Spatial Sciences

Navigation Engineering & 3D Spatial Sciences

GMMR GBAS Multi Mode Receiver (IGM)


For both advance and then post GRAS/GRAS ground installation, ongoing GNSS signal propagation and performance monitoring are essential for successful VHF station commissioning. The GMMR is designed as a highly reliable, adaptable low cost monitoring solution, (Airborne and/or Ground), for continuous reception and then implementation of VHF GRAS/GBAS signal trans missions . The GMMR delivers an extensive variety of processed DGPS navigation messages and other statistical outputs, while retaining high adaptability for interfacing to external bulk data storage and/or communication devices, (HDD and UDP internet transfers, etc).

The GMMR system consists of NovAtel OEM6 Receiver loaded with specialised internal firmware (API) configured to directly control a Telerad RE-9009A D8PSK VHF Receiver while also differentially processing in real time the incoming ICAO DO-246C messages, (GBAS Type 1,2,4 and GRAS Type 101) for any defined D8PSK slot.

Main features comprising the GMMR are:
Main features comprising the GMMR are:
For more specific information concerning GMMR and it’s future potential for your project, please contact our engineering team.