Navigation Engineering & 3D Spatial Sciences

Navigation Engineering & 3D Spatial Sciences

Engineering Services

The company also offers a comprehensive range of technical consultancy and professional services, drawn from our highly skilled engineering team for all levels of GNSS technology development. Since our inception, (1993) we are continually contracted by creative forward-thinking customers/ industry partners wanting creative technical solutions to challenging problems that are often not considered by others elsewhere. Our Engineering team have all levels of University qualifications along with proven industry expertise covering all aspects of GNSS design (RF antenna, electronics, embedded HW/SW, RTOS, PC software development, geomatics etc). Put simply, our Engineering Services team will deliver your GNSS / navigation project on time, on budget and working exactly as designed.
When developing systems that are ultimately intended for real world operations, it’s essential that structured comprehensive trade studies are conducted in both the intended representative environments and anything worse that might be encountered. Having the practical real world experience, the expertise to understand what’s important, and then finally, the right post processing tools to efficiently deliver the job, these are the three important ingredients for any customer’s future successful outcomes.
Historically, our engineering team have been intimately involved in many of the region’s leading military and industrial GNSS projects. Our unique technical prowess as demonstrated in Griffin, 3D-SAM and SCORPion demonstrates both our technical skills and engineering abilities which is offered to assist customers wishing to develop their own unique navigation products and services. Our broad range of experience and expertise covers full end-to-end product / system level design or tackling specific technical challenges in an existing project.

Support a customer project’s life cycle challenges are also important elements to the company’s professional services portfolio. As for any modern technology project, precision navigation solutions require routine monitoring and occasional maintenance to keep the systems operating at peak performance meeting it’s specifications. In addition, independent test & validation services to support certification to various safety standards (ex IEC 61508, ISO 26262, DO-178B/C …) are also delivered under this support section.

Engineer’s ability to access and routine use comprehensive in-house test and simulation equipment is the key to success for any technology project.! On-hand is an extensive inventory of elite GNSS laboratory and RF field test equipment, which the engineering team uses to deliver professional it’s services. The ability to create in the laboratory simulations that are representative of the real world conditions with high fidelity is essential for both, initial successful project delivery, but also, to understand system’s future behavioural responses to possible unusual and/or disastrous circumstances.
Associated with 25 years of continuous unique GPS/GNSS engineering design, development and testing activities, the company has amassed a very substantial software library of test, modelling and analysis tools for efficiently delivering reliable and effective customised solutions. These tools include GNSS signal processing, 3D object navigation, Virtual Reality 3D visualisation and RF spectrum processing to name a few. Proven tools ready to go..!
Associated with our international partner’s regional dealership activities, the company maintains a comprehensive array of GNSS engineering equipment available for rental. In the modern world drowning with international marketing product hype, the company understands the need for regional customer’s to clearly both understand and verify the suitability of expensive equipment prior making tough purchasing decisions. Both the company and our international partners are keen to assist to minimise both risk and uncertainty.
Presented in this section are a number of whitepapers and case studies for the different and varied Project Engineering services the company has conducted over the years. Hopefully, this section provides a clearer picture of the vast array of experience and services the company has to offer.